What’s all this then?

God, our creator, the king of the universe, became a human named Jesus and said some strange things. He was hated by the powerful, loved by the powerless, but greatly misunderstood by most. Jesus spoke of a kingdom where God is in charge and it sounded crazy (it still sounds crazy), but some lunatics believed in it enough to swear allegiance to its fulfillment on Earth…as it is in Heaven. Today we are faced with the same calling as these first followers: to bring God’s kingdom into the world.

But how do we bring the kingdom into the world?
By doing God’s will.
So then what is ‘God’s will’ that we need to do?
That…depends on how much time you have.

I have found that THE place to start is Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) where the ways of the kingdom of God are laid out as a plain but challenging call-to-action. Among the many upside-down proclamations are the famous Beatitudes which uplift all of the wrong people as the greatest in the kingdom of God. The poor-in-spirit? The meek and unimportant? The merciful and peaceful? These are the greatest among us? This is where ‘the kingdom of God’ is starting? Sounds counter-productive…

Jesus then drops the mic (Matthew 25) by telling us exactly where to find him in our world: the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the homeless. In this ministry, we will find God and participate in the kingdom in the way Jesus told us to. We will go out to our brothers and sisters who are hungry and feed them - for what we do for the least of us, we do for God. We will shine the light of Jesus out into the world and bring the kingdom of God on Earth as it is in Heaven.